菲律宾被解雇的市长Alice Guo的同伴仍然被政府拘留。菲律宾当局报告称,Alice Guo的妹妹Sheila和在Pampanga POGO中被指控的Katherine Cassandra Ong被印度尼西亚扣留。这两人于8月22日下午被遣送回菲律宾,并被当局拘留。

The Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO) saga continues as dismissed mayor Alice Guo’s companions remain under the government’s custody. The Filipino authorities reported on August 22 that Guo’s sister, Sheila, and Katherine Cassandra Ong, who is tagged in the Porac, Pampanga POGO, were under Indonesia’s custody. 

The two were deported to the Philippines on Thursday (August 22) afternoon, and have since been held by authorities.
