朝鲜领导人金正恩的妹妹表示,朝鲜将很快恢复向韩国飞放装有垃圾的气球,作为对韩国民间传单散发活动的回应。自5月底以来,朝鲜已经多次向韩国飘放装有废纸、布料碎片、烟蒂甚至粪便的气球,称这是对韩国活动人士通过他们自己的气球散发政治传单的报复行动。 Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/sister-north-korean-leader-kim-075549632.html

The powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed Sunday to respond to what she called a fresh South Korean civilian leafleting campaign, signaling North Korea would soon resume flying trash-carrying balloons across the border. Since late May, North Korea has floated numerous balloons carrying waste paper, scraps of cloth, cigarette butts and even manure toward South Korea on a series of late-night launch events, saying they were a tit-for-tat action against South Korean activists scattering political leaflets via their own balloons.
