2024年第一季度,外商直接投資(FDI)進入中國大降56%,北京僅收到超過100億美元的外國投資。這是中國30年來FDI投資最糟糕的一年,2023年僅獲得300億美元的FDI。由於中國經濟困難,外國投資者正在避免在中國進行投資。據報導,中國國家主席習近平今年3月會見了美國頂尖商界領袖,試圖吸引外國投資者。但在國內,習主席的共產黨對外國企業實行嚴格政策。Palki Sharma探討了外國投資在中國下降的原因,以及共產黨及其政策在使北京經濟雪上加霜中扮演的角色。

Foreign direct investments (FDI) into China have plummeted by 56% percent in the first quarter of 2024, with Beijing receiving just over $10 billion in foreign investments. This follows China’s worst year of FDI investments in 3 decades, when the country managed to get just $30 billion in FDI in 2023. Foreign investors are refraining from committing investments in China as the country suffers economically. Chinese President Xi Jinping reportedly tried to woo foreign investors in March this year, when he met with America’s top business leaders. But back at home, President Xi’s Community Party is cracking down hard on foreign businesses with stringent policies. Palki Sharma accesses the reason behind the fall in foreign investments in China, and the role the Communist Party and its policies are playing in making matters worse for Beijing’s economy.

