中國政府要求蘋果封鎖WhatsApp和Threads,這是習近平領導下對異議進行新一輪打壓的一部分。中國網信辦官員告訴蘋果公司,基於“國家安全擔憂”,要求蘋果將這些通訊服務從其國內App Store中刪除,蘋果發言人表示。這些應用程式在中國已經大部分被封鎖…
China has ordered Apple to block WhatsApp and Threads in the country amid a fresh crackdown on dissent by leader Xi Jinping. Officials from China’s Cyberspace Administration told Apple to remove the messaging services from its domestic App Store based on “national security concerns,” a spokesman for the company said. The apps were already largely i…